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Seal or Not Seal a Cove Joint in Basement

ryanmiday | Posted in General Questions on

Should a 3/8-1/2 crack known as a cove joint that runs along perimeter of basement at intersection of wall and floor be sealed? I was visiting a friend living in Southern Ohio, Climate 5. He moved into a new build, in 2018. Three years later, basement floods. Insurance co. sends contractor who points out sump pump drain pipe was not properly installed. It was fixed.  The water came in through the crack running along perimeter. The crack was there when he moved in and was told not to fill it in. My thinking is that it should be filled with proper poly sealant (not sure what kind?).I researched the issue using Google and the majority of websites,  who are mostly waterproofing and foundation companies, recommended that cove joins should NOT be sealed; that it does not solve problem hydrostatic pressure and to install perimeter drain. I understand the point of sealing does not solve flooding problem. I am wondering if it should be sealed when there is no flooding or flooding has been fixed like my friend’s who has not experienced problems since sump pump was fixed. Thanks 

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    I don't think it matters either way; sealing it won't hold back water under hydrostatic pressure, at least not for long.

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