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Screwing Vertical and Horizontal Furring

shedworkshop | Posted in General Questions on

When screwing a wall assembly with vertical and horizontal furring, should the screws for the outer furring layer go all the way to the studs?

Wall assembly plan:

– R15 rockwool cavity insulation
– 2×4″ Stud
– 15/32″ Sheathing
– 0.5″ R2.5 XPS board
– 1×3″ vertical furring
– 1×3″ horizontal furring
48″x10′ fiber cement siding (Hardie)
– 2.5″x10′ fiber cement battens (Hardie)

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    What climate zone are you in? R2.5 exterior rigid foam on an R15 wall seems awfully light. BE SURE you follow the tables as a minimum to ensure you have a safe wall assembly.

    Rergarding the furring, I would try to hit the studs from the outermost furring layer since you're planning to hang a lot of weight from it. It's always safer/stronger to screw into studs than into "thin stuff".

    I would also consider using ripped strips of 3/4" plywood instead of 1x3s since plywood is far less prone to splitting.


    1. shedworkshop | | #3

      Climate zone 4a. I'm trying to find a table for the recommended ratio of exterior/interior insulation, but can only find ones for 4c (marine). Would using R5 or R10 be better to protect against potential condensation? It's only for a shed / workshop (hence the username).

      I'll look into using ripped 3/4" as well.

  2. Malcolm_Taylor | | #2


    I would just tack the vertical furring with a brad nailer, and screw or use a framing nailer through both when you put up the horizontal layer.

    1. shedworkshop | | #4

      Sounds like a good way to keep it sturdy and avoid using too many screws. Thanks Malcolm!

  3. CurryWarbler | | #5

    I plan on a similar assembly in Marine 4C zone: gypsum/cellulose/ply/WRB/1” rockwool/vertical furring/horizontal furring/vertical cedar siding.

    Same question essentially - can the siding be attached to the outer horizontal furring strip only….or do these need to go directly into blocking/studs. And finally, does the siding itself need to also penetrate to the stud, or is the furring sufficient at either 12” or 16”OC?

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #6


      You are fine just attaching the siding to the outer furring. The exception to that are some proprietary brands of siding - mainly cement based or composites - which have their own installation requirements, and sometime want more that 3/4" backing.

      1. CurryWarbler | | #7

        Thank you Malcolm!

        Just to clarify, in this case using vertical cedar, would you maintain that the outer horizontal furring be secured to the studs/blocking as well, or is it sufficient in practice to have those only affixed to the vertical furring strips?

        Thank you again.

        1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #8


          My own preference would be to tack the vertical furring just enough to keep it in place, and use a single screw through both it and the horizontal one into the framing to secure everything.

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