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Questions regarding CI wall

michaelde | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

Editing because after posting my primary question, I immediately saw prior discussions that answered it in the sidebar.  But I still have 2 questions (CZ2 Tucson AZ):

1) There’s no need to provide a WRB between osb & continuous rigid insulation, if I’m taping the seams of foil-faced polyiso as my air & wrb, right?  Right now my plan is: gyp bd, studs w/ closed cell spf (or unfaced batt if more drying potential is a good idea), osb, 1″ taped foil-faced polyiso, osb furring strips, hardie siding.

2) Please share any longevity & maintenance thoughts regarding 3 siding materials I’m considering: hardie, 3-coat portland stucco, or synthetic stucco.  My understanding is that the overall lifespan of 3/4″ portland stucco may be the longest, despite potential cracking requiring maintenance.  But I think I care more about less potential cracking (or maintenance in general?) with fiber cement or synthetic stucco. And between those 2, I’d think fiber cement would outlast synthetic stucco in our intense southern AZ sun. It’s also the only one of the 3 I would install myself, saving significant labor $ upfront.

Thanks all for this amazing resource 🙂

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