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Sanden (Eco2) Sanco2 in cold climate

cylint | Posted in General Questions on

Hello all,

I’m in eastern Massachusetts and considering getting the Sanco2 split system heat pump hot water system. My biggest concern (outside of the price) is the need to pipe the water outside for the heating.  They recommend trace heat and insulation, but I was curious on folk’s thoughts about how much of a problem it might be in the winter.  The heat pump works down to an ambient temp of -20F, so I sort of assume that they’ve tested the full system including the water pipes, but I guess you never know.


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  1. Tim_O | | #1

    Outside of the trace heat, you also need freeze protection valves. All in, it's probably a pretty safe setup, and eliminates the need for a heat exchanger and glycol.

  2. nickdefabrizio | | #2

    What are you looking at all in price wise?

    1. cylint | | #4

      w/ the 83 gallon tank its in the 5k range. there's a payback, but its long.

  3. paul_wiedefeld | | #3

    It's fine as long as the electricity stays on, but it will freeze if left unpowered long enough.

    1. cylint | | #5

      yeah, would have to find a backup solution for it.

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