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Community and Q&A

RSS feeds?

rdanomly | Posted in General Questions on

I use an RSS Reader to see what articles are posted to GBA.  It seemed to me that the volume of articles had decreased for some reason.  It wasn’t until reading an article that I noticed the RSS feed I had subscribed to was only catching the main articles.  No articles from the GBA Prime blog, or any of the other blogs on the GBA site were showing up in the feed.

The only other mention of RSS feeds is an article from 2008.  Does anyone know how to access the “new” blogs RSS feeds?

p.s. I’m currently using Feedly

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    R.D. Anomoly,
    I'm not very savvy about RSS feeds, but one of the Taunton tech experts explained the situation to me this way:

    "There are two main RSS feeds. The first one is a feed of all new articles published on the site:

    "The second is a feed of all new comments (including Q&A replies) posted to the site: "

    Is this helpful?

  2. olivier | | #2

    I have not been able to access the RSS feeds either since the updated website went online. Even the old RSS feed addresses on the website ( point to "Page Not Found".
    The links posted above by Martin did not work for me.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Our tech team has tested the links provided on this page and informs me that the links work, so I'm not sure why you are having this difficulty.

  4. fourforhome | | #4

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