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user-1015969 | Posted in General Questions on

My question is what is the best way to perform RRP when you are totally gutting a room back to the studs. Also removing flooring to the subfloor. Do you mop the subfloor? Putting up plastic on the walls makes no sense. I can see putting poly on the floor while you remove walls and ceiling but what about the floor?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    "RRP" has me stumped.

    RRP Recommended Retail Price
    RRP Registry Registrar Protocol (Network Solutions, Inc)
    RRP Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
    RRP Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy
    RRP Retail Ready Packaging
    RRP Rembrandt Research Project
    RRP Registered Rehabilitation Professional (Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals Inc)
    RRP Registered Resort Professional
    RRP Recurrent Respiratory Papillomas
    RRP Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (Japan)
    RRP Relative Refractory Period
    RRP Regional Response Plan (DHS reference for Homeland Security Plan)
    RRP Rapid Refuel Point (military aviation)
    RRP Runway Reference Point
    RRP Reentry Rally Point
    RRP Remote Registry Protocol
    RRP Rapid Reinforcement Plan
    RRP Required Retail Price
    RRP Required Risk Premium
    RRP Radio Relay Points
    RRP Radar Range Profile
    RRP Rod-Restack Process
    RRP Radar Receiver Processor
    RRP Reverse Range Pressure
    RRP Residue Reduction Program
    RRP Rightful Radical Party (political party)
    RRP Regional Research Plan (Canada)
    RRP Rhizosphere Research Product

    Nothing quite fits, except "rapid reinforcement plan," I guess. Are you trying to reinforce the walls and floor -- rapidly?

  2. bigrig | | #2

    "Renovation, Repair and Painting" the EPA's rules on lead paint remediation.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Thanks, Nathan!

  4. dankolbert | | #4

    Come on, Martin, get hip to the lingo. Steve, you need to be able to pass a wipe test after the work, however you do it. If you're removing the floor, you may need to lay plastic on the floor below to capture any dust that gets thru. Is this a specific job or just a general question?

    The EPA has a pretty good Q&A forum -

    And JLC has a good discussion forum devoted to the topic -

  5. user-1015969 | | #5

    Thanks Dan. I will check out the links. This is a specific job. This is an old house with plaster and lathe. The finished floor is pine and is to be replaced with tile. I put poly over the pine floor will I was removing the wall and ceiling plaster. After I removed the plaster I sprayed the plastic and folded it on itself. The pine floor had some type of finish on it. It may or may not have had lead in it. There is no way that I know of to keep the finish of the pine floor from getting to the subfloor(rough cut diagonal 1x6) How are you supposed to do a wipe test on rough cut diagonal 1x6. Also when you remove plaster from a wall it reveils the lath and keyways of the adjacent room. Are you supposed to wipe test the lath and keys? This is where Im confused. Just to be clear I understand if you are taking a window out you have to clean the painted walls and the finished floors around the widow. Wipe them down no big deal.

  6. dankolbert | | #6

    Have you tested any surfaces? What has lead? Are you certified?

  7. SLSTech | | #7

    Plastic outside the area (hallways) & over the doorway(s) - none needed inside the area being demo'd except to close off any ducts or other openings to other areas

    No on mopping - you would have to HEPA Vac all the areas (including between the studs)

    The wipe test is a gray area as you have no area's left to be really tested with them.

    While I have plenty of articles about this on my site, JLC, FHB, blah, blah, blah - nothing beats reading the actual regulation (especially seeing the EPA is good at contracdicting itself in it's own FAQ's)

  8. user-1015969 | | #8

    Thanks Dan and Sean, I appreciate the information.

  9. wjrobinson | | #9

    Rules are always full of holes. The way forward that may or may not be simplest could be to buy the home do the work sans Epa legally and simply sell it back. Done. No Epa. Michele Bachmann's husband approved.

    Just sayin

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