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Roofing Help?

smargolin | Posted in General Questions on

I have a flat roof, 2700 sq foot, single story home that was built in Broward Co. Fl in 1972. Around 1995, the previous owners obviously had some issues and had the roof re-roofed with no tear off (legal to code). What seems to have happened is that the roofers did not enhance or create much of a pitch at that time and my roof pools in particular places, many places. To make matters worse, there is only one drainage area.

Here’s where it gets sticky, no sofla pun intended. Three years ago, there were no leaks in my roof, but I knew it needed “some” attention in order to not have to do a tear off…I was looking to buy time. I also am highly green minded and used the opportunity to do some passive solar cooling by having the small repairs done and then coat the roof with Lapolla elastomeric acrylic. The roofer (and Lapolla rep) should have never made this an option for me after inspecting my roof…I now understand that.

Here’s my pickle…how do I proceed? Let me preface this by telling you I plan on listing my home in January and I currently have no leaks (although I have no idea why!). I believe I cannot re-coat the roof as the elastomeric will just curl and lift again…make another HUGE mess like there is now. I have considered putting in additional drainage in the areas where the pooling occurs. The roofer tells me that the majority of the roof is probably holding moisture, both layers, and I probably will have leaks, and soon, and that the home will more than likely not pass a home inspection because of the humidity in the attic/”moisture in the roof.”

Aesthetically, I have a nightmare on my roof. Practically, I do not know how much longer I will go without a leak. I am a single parent and my luck, an underpaid school teacher to boot. There is a financial limit to my choices. I sure could use a bit of provocative information from someone with great expertise and no personal/professional agenda.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    1. If you don't have any leaks, how do you know that there is moisture in your roof assembly? It's quite possible that your roofing is leak-free. If so, there is no need to replace your roofing yet -- even if the current roofing job is ugly.

    2. If you decide to go ahead and replace your roofing (in light of your plan to sell the house), the obvious course of action is to call up three or four roofing contractors to obtain bids for new roofing.

  2. wjrobinson | | #2


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