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Roof Vent

dajn | Posted in General Questions on

I’m building 2″ roof vent between the rafters leading from soffitts to ridge vent.  I’ve seen it recommended to use 1″ foam board with adhesive foam to adhere it to the rafters to create the 2″ vent.  Can I use 1/4″ plywood secured to furring strips instead of the foam board or would it be susceptible to rotting over time due to condensation from interior moisture trying to escape to the outside and continually condensing on the cold plywood surface with the cold air vent on the top side of the plywood in a cold Maine climate?

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Yes. Being permeable plywood allows better drying that foam, so there is a good argument to be made that is a better material to use. If enough moisture is making its way to the baffles that they are staying wet long enough to rot, so will the framing, and you have other bigger problems to sorry about.

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