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roof kitchen exhaust

cbut8995 | Posted in General Questions on

Hi All,

Currently the building I have has this small kitchen exhaust outlet connected to like 8 units. Attached pic from my roof security camera. Some times the tenants complain that the oil smells from others cooking are shown. It doesnt seem to have any electric connected it to to work. Can I replace the head with something like this and it still be usable for the kitchen exhaust? Hoping it will pull the cooking exhaust up faster or better at least.–&gclid=Cj0KCQiAxbefBhDfARIsAL4XLRoon4H1cEEwyc3hjz1lbIeE7C3IWzFm8PJpicuf5xOx0FJ_PJJb5t8aAjxHEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

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  1. Expert Member


    No vent outlet should serve more that one kitchen exhaust, and certainly not from separate apartments. It's huge hazard, and a code violation.

    1. cbut8995 | | #2

      In NYC thats not the case. ALL multifamily building use a single exhaust for multiple kitchens. Done a few projects already from 6-20 units each building and at most well do 1-4 roof exhaust for maybe 3-6 kitchens each.

      This buildings a bit older so its grandfathered in already.

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