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Rigid foam with Hydrogap?

Tauntaun_Guts | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I would like to be able to install shingle cladding over 2″ of rigid foam. Can I use Hydrogap or a similar product over the foam instead of 1x furring strips nailed to the studs?

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  1. Aedi | | #1

    It is possible.

    The furring strips not only make a rainscreen gap, but also attaches the foam to the studs, and provides an easy place to attach cladding to. You would need to find an alternative method of attaching the foam to the structure, likely by using a layer of wood structural panel sheathing over the foam, or by using a foam product with integrated wood sheathing like Zip R. If that is done, adding the hydrogap and a layer of shingles should be possible.

    This video over at fine homebuilding shows the installation of cedar shingles over a similar material to hydrogap:

  2. Peter Yost | | #2

    Hi user..... - (be great to have your name for working with the GBA community) -

    Nicely said Aedi. In addition, since User.... is installing a shingle wall cladding, he or she will need horizontal attachment; makes ZIP-R sheathing all the more attractive.

    In the FHB video with Mike Guertin, of course, he is not dealing with rigid foam underneath the spacer mesh. I can tell you that trying to use spacer mesh over any sheet good with give (like just about any rigid insulation) is very challenging.


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