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Rheem 65 gallon hybrid water heater

Salesi | Posted in General Questions on

We recently built a new house using a lot of the new technology for air sealing, insulation, etc. One of the items we included was a Rheem 65 gallon hybrid water heater. Before purchasing it, I researched the different brands and discussed it with Rheem directly. Two different people at Rheem stated it had a noise level of 49 decibels comparing to a refrigerator. Our water heater is located in the center of the house next to the two bathrooms and in the same room as the washing machine. I wanted to minimize wasted water down the sink or tub waiting for hot water. I can tell you this is the second Rheem hybrid water heater we have installed in 6 months and they do not run at 49 decibels. Both clock in at 75 decibels and you can hear it from every room in the house and even when you are outside. I am so disappointed. The walls of the utility room are insulated with Rock Wool Sound insulation on all four sides. While this helps slightly, I usually run the water heater in electric mode which does not help on energy savings but at least I can hear the TV and I do not get a headache listening to the heat pump. For all of those considering switching, you may want to consider how loud a hybrid water heater is before laying out almost $2000 for the heater alone. Our water heater is going to be relocated to the garage as soon as I can find the time. That will be an additional 45 feet of pipe to empty out before water gets to the bathroom or I have to put in a separate circulating pump.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    There was a long discussion on this topic in a Q&A about a month ago. It might be worth tracking it down.

    Ha, sorry - it was your earlier thread:

  2. Expert Member
    Akos | | #2

    From my reading, the issue seems to be with the fan on the unit. Before moving it, I would try to put a length of flex duct on both intake and exhaust ports. About 4' to 6' of flex does a decent job (even better with a nice smooth bend) of reducing noise and might be enough to keep the unit where it is. There is even fancy sound absorbing flex you can get, for a short run like this, it would be worth the cost.

  3. bjarthur | | #3

    i have a rheem manufactured in 9/2021 and it is 60 dB at chest height a meter away and the sound is a 190 Hz tone. a friend has a GE geospring manufactured in 7/2016 and it is 50 dB and white noise. we have complained up a storm about the noise and fortunately our installer is going to replace it for free with a regular electric one.

    one way to check if you can handle the noise before purchasing one is to figure out a way to play a 190 Hz tone from a speaker and then adjust the volume until it is 60 dB as measured with your phone. then go to the living areas and see if it's bearable. i wish we had done this.

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