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Reverse Cycle Air Conditioners

user-600397 | Posted in Mechanicals on

After some online searches, it seems this is a great product for heating/cooling small spaces (Kelvinator). All of the information comes from Australia. I’d love information on this product for use in the U.S. (I’m in New England) and pros and cons.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I think that you may be confused because Australians use a different terminology than we do here in the States.

    These products are usually called "air-source heat pumps" (or just heat pumps) in the U.S. One type of air-source heat pump is the ductless mini-split. Use those terms in your Web searches, and you'll find many U.S. suppliers.

  2. user-600397 | | #2

    The 'ductless mini-split' is the ticket! Thanks Martin for the help - this was the Aussie unit that was so compelling:

  3. Michael Chandler | | #3

    Another option to consider for heating and cooling small spaces is a vertical PTAC (Package Terminal Air Conditioner) such as the GE zone-line AZ75H09DAC (9,500 btu, 10.5 EER, 3.6 COP, dry @ 2.7 pints/hr) or the AZ75H18DAC (17,500 BTU, 10 EER, 3.1 COP, dry @ 5.0 pints/hr)

    Not as efficient or quiet as a mini-split but much less expensive and ridiculously easy to install and can be ducted in a way to make them relatively quiet. Because they can be sized down so small they can be a good fit for an extremely small, well sealed and insulated envelope that mostly requires de-humidification.

    I've had good service from Kris Schmidt at (813) 977-5286 getting these for the last two studio out-buildings that we did that needed super small de-humidification with a heating/ cooling component.

  4. user-600397 | | #4

    Thanks, will look into this option as well, although I'm inclined to spend more up front for the greater efficiency.

  5. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #5

    Most air source heat pumps do not work well in cold weather. This is an air source heat pump made for cold climates, but it may be more than what you need.

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