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Retrofit door sealing

user-2069108 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Given all the complex issues covered on this site, this question might seem rather pedestrian….

I am not going to change out the doors on my house, but I would like to get them more airtight. In particular, I have two sliding patio glass doors, and my front door is a wood double door that has one door latched into the other (double swing in without a jamb piece between the individual doors).

Are there better weatherstripping kits out there that will deal with the the air leaks associated with these doors? We don’t use one of the sliding doors. Is there a way to seal that door so that sealing material can be removed by a future homeowner?

I have looked at the big box stores and have not been able to find anything satisfactory.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    The standard reversible weatherstripping for doors that you don't plan to open all winter is called "rope caulk" or "caulking cord." Most hardware stores sell it. Here are links to product pages on two of these products from Frost King:

    Rope caulk

    Caulking cord

    If you can't find quality weatherstripping products locally, you can always shop online. Try these sources:

    Accurate Metal Weatherstrip Co.
    725 South Fulton Ave.
    Mount Vernon, NY 10550
    Manufacturer of weatherstripping for windows and doors, including zinc and brass weatherstrip

    AM Conservation Group
    2301 Charleston Regional Parkway
    Charleston, SC 29492
    Fax: 843-971-1472; Fax: 843-849-8242

    Architectural Resource Center
    557 Old Turnpike Road |
    Northwood, NH 03261
    Fax: 603-942-7465

    J & R Products, Inc.
    4695 East 200 North
    Craigville, IN 46731
    Fax: 219-565-3826
    Fax: 800-518-4446

    Niagara Conservation
    45 Horsehill Rd.
    Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
    Fax: 973-829-1400

    Resource Conservation Technology
    2633 North Calvert Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218

  2. user-2069108 | | #2

    Wow. That's a lot of weatherstripping.
    Between Accurate and Frost King, I think that will be able to find the right product.

    I must have gotten tired of looking at the long list when I Googled weatherstripping to not have found Accurate. The rope stuff is new to me, though.

    Thank you

  3. dankolbert | | #3

    Accurate doesn't have much of a web presence. And installation of their products is somewhat high skill - there have been some good articles in JLC and Fine Homebuilding over the years on their products.

    Sliding doors are notorious for drafts. If you can identify the manufacturer, you may be better off going directly to them for help or replacement weatherstrip/gaskets.

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