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Replace 1×6 shear brace with OSB panel?

BrooklynSculpt | Posted in Building Code Questions on

Hi Folks,

I am in the process of building out my 1350 sq ft barn for use as a sculpture studio (i do mostly wood and metal fab).

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The building is sided with 1 x 12″ rough board and batten although lacks exterior sheathing under the siding. The interior walls are currently unfinished with 1×6″ diagonal bracing in a v pattern along the 70′ length of two walls. I would like to install 7/16 OSB as an interior wall surface. If I follow the recommended nailing schedule for exterior sheathing can I safely remove the diagonal bracing and rely solely on the OSB to resist racking? or would I have to install something like a steel T or L under the OSB?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Unless this building is in a high-wind zone or a seismic zone, your plan is fine. Follow the same nailing schedule used for wall sheathing (usually, every 6 inches on the edge and every 12 inches in the field). If you have tall walls, and the sheathing doesn't reach from plate to plate, you may need to provide blocking at the unsupported OSB seams.

    Needless to say, if you were to remove all of the existing diagonal braces before you install any OSB, your building would be at risk of racking. Keep a few diagonal braces in place as you install your OSB.

  2. BrooklynSculpt | | #2

    Thanks for the quick reply, Martin.


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