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Remove builder installed fiberglass nailed to basement walls

graham78 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Location- Denver CO Climate zone 5
Hello my name is Graham, 
I am looking to insulate/ finish a basement in a newly built home.  The walls currently have R-10? or less? fiberglass roll insulation with plastic barrier nailed directly to the foundation walls.  Seems like the standard for insulating basement walls in new homes (that I have seen in Denver)
I am thinking that I should remove the fiberglass, air seal the rim joist, add appropriate thickness EPS to prevent condensation.  Then I could reattach the existing fiberglass to get me to R-20 on the basement walls (or purchase new).  

Interested to see if anyone else has dealt with removing builder installed fiberglass on basement walls to achieve a better result.  I think I know the answer to this question- it just stings a little to remove the brand new fiberglass.

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  1. RussMill | | #1

    YES, i would jerk it off and go with xps or eps IF ANY CHANCE of moisture. If no chance of moisture then polyisocyanurate is a better option. THIS FOAM BOARD MUST BE COVERED with 1/2" drywall or an equal barrier due to fire concerns.

    Normally, rigid foam/2×4 framed wall/ drywall.

  2. mikeolder | | #2

    Only thing I would be concerned about is the "plastic barrier" trapping moisture because the cement will wick. Use latex paint on the drywall to prevent trapping moisture after poly is removed.

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