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Solar vent fan and tin foil in attic?

x72638 | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I had a friend receive bid for insulation in his attic and the contractor he called recommended solar vent fans (for temp, no moisture issues present) and a radiant barrier in addition to a few batts. He was advised this would cut his energy use in half…
We are in Zone 5, so both the fans and barrier seem like red flags to me (beyond the questionable savings calcs). I know radiant barriers can work in hot climates but probably not in ours.

What other questionable products/services are out there I should be looking out for? Especially for Zone 5/6. I work with rural electric co-ops and want to help my members avoid similar pitches. Thank you.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    These two articles should satisfy your curiosity:

    "Stupid Energy-Saving Tips"

    "Martin’s Useless Products List"

  2. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #2

    Joe, those are definitely red flags, even if presented by a well-intentioned person.

    I'd put a lot of spray foam recommendations in the same category--while necessary for some situations, there are much less risky and environmentally damaging options in most cases, and spray foam salespeople in my experience almost always exaggerate its effectiveness.

    Replacement windows often don't make financial sense, though they can improve comfort.

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