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UltimateAir Recoupaerator Parts

drewman141 | Posted in Mechanicals on

I hope this is a good place to put this, there are not too many places something like this would get attention. After 7 years without issue, my UltimateAir Recoupaerator 200DX just quit on me. The core stopped spinning. Rather than trying to mess with it, I have decommissioned the unit and will hold on to it for a couple of weeks if someone would like parts from it (or the whole thing) before it heads to the dump. I’m comfortable dismantling it if you only want pieces. I also have a full set of new in-the-box filter pies available. I’m located in Yorktown Heights, NY, and can ship if you want. I’ll update this thread when it’s all gone.

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  1. DennisWood | | #1

    I would take that unit if closer to's a very nicely designed product. I was surprised to see that it has 0-10V control built in and 3 x ECM motors. It must have been a significant investment new.

    1. drewman141 | | #2

      I bought it July 2015 for $2,400 and it was highly regarded. It's a shame they went out of business and I didn't get at least 10 years out of it.

  2. DennisWood | | #3

    I would pull the wheel motor and see if you can source a replacement....that' s likely all that it needs.

    Just curious. What did you replace it with?

    1. drewman141 | | #4

      Yeah, I just didn't want to bother with it, lack of time and patience. This house is so tight we cannot survive without one so I already installed a replacement ERV. Went with a Fantech ATMO 200E that I got a crazy black Friday deal on. After 3 weeks without it, you can really feel and smell how much of a difference it makes!

      1. pt1 | | #5

        The fantech only shows two duct connectors. The ultimateair 200DX has four duct connectors. How what did you do with the extra ducts that are no longer connected to the erv.

        1. drewman141 | | #9

          There are 4 connectors, just like any other ERV/HRV. You have 2 connectors going to the exterior (fresh/stale) and 2 going to the interior (fresh/stale).

  3. mjhil | | #6

    Do you still have the unit? I'm interested in parts if not the whole thing.

    1. pt1 | | #7

      Yes, I still have the unit. The wheel spins at full speed and does not respond to the ventilation control. I think it has a bad circuit board. It was purchased in 2019 and is still under warranty. I live in Effingham, Illinois.
      email is [email protected]

    2. drewman141 | | #8

      Yes, I still have it and the filter pies. I am the OP on this thread. Not sure why I didn't get a notification.

      1. mjhil | | #10

        Thanks for the reply. I'm looking to keep my parent's (roughly 8 years old) and a hopefully a family members (6 yrs or so) going for as long as we can. My contact is:

      2. Ron53 | | #11

        I would like to purchase the filter pies for the 200DX - are they still available?

  4. tonseth | | #12

    Do you still have this unit. Would especially like the pies filters.

    1. pt1 | | #13

      Sorry, I no longer have the unit.

  5. AndrewRichard | | #14

    We have imported the recoupaerator for several years to Europe and sell them tru whole the EU. We have made mutch developing on the US version and put there Germand fans and motors in. After that we develop our own unit with the US heatexhanger and patented the air tide construction to require the tide house specs. We rename it to Coanda® erv. Also we developed our own machinery to made the HE filterpies ourself. On this moment we only deliver and service both units with filtermaterial end repair.

    1. ElPotrilloDeGringolandia | | #25

      When I click on the links I don't really see anything on the websites. No products anyway.

  6. ERV | | #15

    I have Ultimate Air® 200DX installed in our house in 2013. Now the belt is broken and the Recovery wheel is not turning but the machine itself is operational. Does anyone know where to buy the belt ? I understand the company Ultimate Air is out of business. Hoping someone would help.

    1. james_developer | | #16

      I have two of the Ultimate Air® 200DXs and they've been operating for over 7 years. The belts have broken recently. If anyone knows where to source these from, that would be great.

      1. mjhil | | #17

        ebay has some last I looked. I haven't checked the diameter but I think you should be able to make one out of polyurethane round belt for cheaper (found on Amazon etc.) if you can find a similar diameter. You would have to weld it together but it's not hard with Youtube, a torch, and an old utility knife blade in a vise.
        Alternatively, McMaster Carr or Grainger might have something as well considering it's an off the shelf component.

        Side note: At this age you might consider checking the fans for filter fibers (they are visible through the core without the pies) - pulling the fan motor assemblies out and cleaning the fans might be needed. A few weeks back I had to dive into the 200dx at my parents (it's nearly 10) and noticed one fan and the screen on the exhaust vent was filled with filter fibers. While you're at it I would check the intake vent screen outside as well.

      2. Ron53 | | #28

        You can get a replacement belt from McMaster-Carr. Their product number is 3044K503. Round belt 1/8” diameter, 11-1/4” outer circumference

    2. petvet8 | | #18

      I have the same problem, have you had any luck finding a belt???

      1. Ron53 | | #29

        You can get a replacement belt from McMaster-Carr. Their product number is 3044K503. Round belt 1/8” diameter, 11-1/4” outer circumference

    3. Ron53 | | #30

      You can get a replacement belt from McMaster-Carr. Their product number is 3044K503. Round belt 1/8” diameter, 11-1/4” outer circumference

  7. jackofalltrades777 | | #19

    I'm surprised nobody bought out the company and parts to restart the business. The units were good quality and to just go out of business and close shop is weird. I wonder what happened to the factory and all the parts they had?

  8. ElPotrilloDeGringolandia | | #20

    Hey all, hope GBA sends out an email that there was a reply here. :) I have a brand new one of these I purchased in 2012 or so probably. Has not been installed or plugged in. Have brand new pies as well. I'm in Western Washington. Could ship it. Anyway, thought I'd see if anyone was still looking for replacements.

    1. ashtent | | #22

      Good morning,
      By chance can you advise if the unit runs when plugged in?
      You have additional filter pie sets as well?
      Let me know.
      [email protected]

      1. ElPotrilloDeGringolandia | | #24

        Hello, replied to your email. :)

  9. mjhil | | #21

    I have a 200DX that had a motor quit but because a parts unit I got was much newer and different, it was sadly less than helpful. I'm interested in your unit and filter pies so please get in touch at [email protected].

    If anyone has a later unit that needs a new blower motor I have one (the silver motor variety- not the older black motor)

    1. ElPotrilloDeGringolandia | | #23

      Hello! Replied to your email :)

  10. AndrewRichard | | #26

    We have the belts and filterpies. The shipment to the US is not cheap.

    [email protected]

  11. AndrewRichard | | #27

    In the US the company : Pyramid Inc. 522 N 9th Ave E Newton, IA 50208 Phone: 641-792-2405
    have made the belts for Ultimateair.

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