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Recessing concrete stem wall for zero-threshold prior to choosing door manufacturer

AdamPNW | Posted in General Questions on

Hi all, I’m planning to recess the top of our stem wall by 1” to allow for a zero-threshold patio door, but not sure what length to recess.  We’ve engineered the framing plan for a 10’ wide opening onto the patio, allowing for a 72” double hinged door, plus 2 sidelights.  We haven’t picked a door manufacturer and I understand the “standard”  sidelight widths can vary a bit. 

Is it ok to just recess the 10’ length of stem wall, and just order a custom door package later so it fits? Or is there a common standard width for this design (double 36” doors +2 sidelights)?
Thanks! I’ve attached the relevant framing elevation. 

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Rough openings for typical exterior doors are usually 2 1/2" wider than the door leaf(s) and 2" taller than the door leaf. Sidelights come in many different widths so you should really just decide on a door before pouring your foundation.

  2. AdamPNW | | #2

    Ok Thanks Michael!

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