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recessed lighting

merlinm | Posted in General Questions on

We have continued to use traditional can light fixtures because they are cheap and reliable. There is a wide variety of bulbs available, including LED and CFL, and those continue to get better and better. 

We insulate the roof rather than the ceiling to keep duct work inside the conditioned space. That has an added benefit of not having to worry as much about the recessed leaking. 

Is now the time to switch from the old style can to self-contained LED fixtures? For those who have made the switch, any manufacturers that you think are especially good? 


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  1. Wannabegreenbuilder | | #1

    Hello, perhaps this will help you. Cooper Industries, makes a thin can light imitation that is 1/2 inch thick! I like it because it’s literally the thickness of the drywall and you can seal it up rather easily. My son is a electrician’s apprentice and he says his boss doesn’t like then because they slow him down at installation. This didn’t make sense to me because it seems pretty straight forward. I hope this helps you and good luck with your project.

    1. Expert Member
      NICK KEENAN | | #2

      I went to the Cooper Industries website, and clicked on "products." They listed the following choices:
      Actuators and motion control
      Backup power, UPS, surge & IT power distribution
      Clutches and brakes
      Conduit, cable and wire management
      Differentials and traction control
      Ducting solutions
      Electrical circuit protection
      Electronic components
      eMobility and vehicle electrical components
      Engine solutions
      Filtration solutions
      Fuel systems, emissions and components
      Golf grips
      Hose, tubing, fittings and connectors
      Hydraulic motors and generators
      Hydraulic power units and heat exchangers
      Industrial controls, drives, automation and sensors
      Lighting and controls
      Low-voltage power distribution & control systems
      Medium-voltage power distribution & control systems
      Process safety, automation, test and measurement
      Safety, security & emergency communications
      Server racks, enclosures & airflow management
      Steering systems
      Support systems
      Utility & grid solutions
      Wiring devices & connectivity

      OK, so I clicked on "Lighting and controls" and got the following options:
      Airfield lighting and control systems
      Emergency and exit
      Fixture Hangers and Poles
      Hand lamps and portables
      High bay, low bay and industrial
      Lighting controls and connected systems
      Marine Interior Lighting
      Pow-R-Command lighting control

      I think I'm going to need a little more help to find the fixture you're talking about.

  2. Deleted | | #4


  3. NIS240SHU | | #5

    These are the ones. They only need 1/2" of space so you can mount the light directly below a joist. The 1-1/2" is only required for the springs to hold the backside of the light to the ceiling. This allows for even spacing where in many instances you have to move a can due to a joist in the ceiling. And they also allow for color temperature adjustments.

    Hope that helps!

    Helder Cristovao

  4. pnwbuilder | | #6
  5. redbera | | #7

    I'm considering simply caulking/sealing a baffled all in one LED insert fixture (see pic) to the ceiling and plugging into the existing IC rated recessed fixture. It will make replacement difficult (since it is glued straight to the drywall ceiling), but they're rated for 10-15yrs and it sure would beat installing an air tight box over the can light in the attic and I think it'd offer agreeably equivalent air tightness.


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