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Rainscreen w/ Exposed Eave detail drawings.

cedarknoll | Posted in General Questions on

I’m having trouble finding detail drawings for a rain screen and exposed eave with bird-block detail.
Most drawings I can find are for a closed soffit.

If it helps, my basic details are Zip sheathing – 15″ raised heel truss – 2×6 rafter tails- rainscreen (3/4″?) and cement board board and batt siding.

Could someone point me to some examples? Thanks!

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  1. Expert Member
    1. cedarknoll | | #2

      Interesting thanks. So basically just keep bird-block or raft-a-vent, in plane with the wall framing.

      Is the blue sheathing in that drawing?

      I have a attached the detail drawing from that page.

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines | | #4

        Yes the blue could be considered sheathing, cladding or both.

  2. cedarknoll | | #3

    I drew up a couple options. Just to give a picture of what I'm thinking about.

    1. cedarknoll | | #5

      I think I've decided just to do something like this. The ledger board might just be a 1x rather then the 2x drawn. my idea is to basically make sure that the birdblock is far enough out to make room for rainscreen and siding with out creating a ledge there.

      venting the rain screen into the attic seems cleaner, but I keep reading about some concern with a fire path. I'm not sure if that fire path is really significantly greater vented to the attic, it is still venting under the eave where there is venting into the attic.

  3. Malcolm_Taylor | | #6

    cedar knoll,

    - The problem may be mine, but I don't see how the attic is ventilated. Are there openings in the bird block?
    - Are you cutting the ledger/trim board around each rafter tail? Wouldn't it be easier to position it to it butts up against the bottom of them?

    1. cedarknoll | | #7

      -yes, screened openings in the bird block. the trusses came with them each one has 4 - 2.5" holes in it.

      -yes you correct, it would be easier to just butt the ledger/trim board under rafter tails. good point.

      1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #8


        I would also move the bird block in a bit so the ledger/trim board hits it about an inch in, making it less likely there will be a gap there over time.

        1. cedarknoll | | #9

          Excellent, thanks. I think it would look cleaner as well.

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