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Rain screen with Zip System and Hardie Board

user-7579477 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I am building a 2,500 sq ft single story home on a river in Alabama. The average rainfall is 53″. My question is, do I need a rain screen between the Zip board and the Hardie board & batten siding? If I do, what are my choices as far as materials. Can I use a grade D asphalt sheeting or are there better options?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo | | #1

    Hi Robert.

    I'm not sure what you are asking in reference to grade D asphalt sheeting. However, most high-performance builders today consider it best practice to install siding over a vented rainscreen gap in all but the driest climates. And particularly with reservoir siding materials like fiber cement. I think you'll find this article helpful for understanding, options, and construction details: All About Rainscreens.

  2. JC72 | | #2

    Per BSC.. you should consider a rainscreen,

    ZIP is an all-in-one product so housewrap (ie, asphalt paper, tyvek) would be redundant. IMO, if you still want to use houswrap then save money and use OSB + tape in lieu of ZIP.

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