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Question on ballpark renovation costs

davemax21 | Posted in General Questions on

I know it varies and there are a lot of variables, however…..
Anyone give me a ballpark cost to totally gut my 1 1/2 story , 2 bedroom cape cod style house? Everyroom except the only bathroom, upstairs?
It is 850 square feet, and I am looking to have all drywall replaced, baseboards, trim, ceilings. In the kitchen, when gutted, I might as well have new cabinets, counter, and back splash, with middle grade cabinets, no granite, etc.. currently there are only 7 uppers, and 5 lowers (cabinets).

No walls removed, etc.. just basically taking the 1920 house with original walls, (there is no lathe/platers), and having them replaced. Ceiling’s are the block tile. No asbestos in the house.

so gut, and totally redo with new walls, ceilings, and the kitchen replacement.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Construction costs are intensely local. Call up some builders and get some bids.

    -- Martin Holladay

  2. davemax21 | | #2


  3. charlie_sullivan | | #3

    What we can help with is thinking about how you can improve the insulation in the walls while you have it gutted.

  4. davemax21 | | #4

    Yes , I can't imagine what's in the walls. It's why my furnace rus moree.
    Puts out a lot of heat for small house but doesn't seem to stay warm.

  5. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #5

    Spray foam isn't the only option. Almost any type of insulation can work well, as long as you come up with a plan for air sealing your thermal envelope. Air leakage matters as much as, or more than, R-value.

    -- Martin Holladay

  6. davemax21 | | #6

    I agree, and have heard that's very important. With the old home, it lacks any "tyvek" or any housewrap, the way they were built years ago.

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