Question in queue for moderation?
Over the weekend, I attempted to post a question about dryer vent caps that included links. When I clicked post I received a message to the effect of my post was going into a queue for moderation…yet the post has never appeared, and I don’t think it contains any forbidden content. Anyone know when/how such messages get posted?
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part
I had that happen once when I tried to post a link too. Sometimes links go through, others don’t. Maybe Brian can give some insight into what makes link “good” or “bad” for the purpose of inclusion in GBA posts?
Hi CL.
I found and published your question. The only thing I did was remove the hyperlink on Dr. Joe's name, to his bio. I am not sure why that link would have been an issue, but I will check with our developers to see if they have any insight. For now, the question is live...
Brian - must have been a different question you published - I did not have a link to Dr. Joe's bio, and my question, about dryer vent caps, is still not published. If you could publish it though that would be appreciated - I unfortunately did not save it and did a bunch of research documented only in the post...
In general posts without hyperlinks don't get pulled for moderator review, those with multiple hyperlinks are more likely to. Posting a text only message first and adding links later via editing seems to get around that (and demonstrates you're not a link-poster bot.)
Thanks Dana. I'm hoping Brian finds the post and posts it, even if without the links...