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Pros and Cons of different types of expanding foam for air sealing?

NBABUCKS1 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Hey there. I saw that in the last issue the magazine they did a “tape off” between the different types of tapes. Has there been anything like this for expanding foams used for sealing? There are quite a few on the market between the different brands….

I am asking because I need a foam for sealing between XPS and wood ceiling rafters. I would like something that is flexible due to the expanding and contracting as well as living in an earthquake prone area.

Any links for discussions on this?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I have never heard of such a test, but I doubt if there is much of a difference between brands.

    You are right to be skeptical of the ability of spray foam (whether one-component foam or two-component foam) to maintain a long-term air seal in this location.

    One of the high-quality European tapes (for example, Pro Clima Tescon No. 1) is likely to perform better in this location -- but it's pricy.

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