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Preventing mould/moisture issues in shed/workshop

d_mo | Posted in General Questions on

Hi all,

I am embarking on another build in the next 12 months. This site and others like it have been extremely useful in understanding more about building science. While I’m more confident with house details, I’m at a bit of a loss with shed/workshop design.

Our plan is to build a shed first that will have a workshop and living space we will live in until the main house is complete (which will then be converted into guest house/gym/office area). 

I want the space to be thermally comfortable and be able to manage water/moisture to prevent mould issues, but I also want it to be cheaper to build and not require things like mechanical ventilation that we plan to have in the main house.
Does anyone have any resources or information for how to use building science principles on sheds/workshops in a way that lets me achieve the goals I have?

I live in the south west of Australia (similar to climate zone 4C). Our building practices here are pretty atrocious so it can be hard to fine local information on this kind of thing.


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