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Poor flashing install or normal?

Eric_Indiana | Posted in General Questions on

Hi all, 

Just had a new house built. I have a finished, heated garage with 2×4 exterior walls LP siding, TYVEK homewrap, pretty sure its R-11 insulation.   

I noticed there is a lot of water dripping from the flashing above the garage door. It hasn’t rained recently, however it is winter here in Chicago.   My thoughts are that the humidity level is too high inside the garage and the moisture has no where to go.  OR, the TYVEK/flashing is incorrectly installed. 

Let me know your thoughts! thanks


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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1


    This has the feel of new construction moisture. A garage with a concrete pad has lot of moisture that will be released within the first year.

    If you get a decent RH sensor in there, do a quick check of the dew point. In an unconditioned garage, this should be pretty close to outdoor dew point. If it is much higher, most likely it is coming from the new construction.

    1. MattJF | | #2

      Where exactly are you seeing the dripping?

      Because it is heated, could water off the cars be evaporating, raising the dew point, and condensation is forming on a cold piece of flashing?

      My garage is not heated, but I have problems with condensation forming the inside of the windows when it is warmer and humid out and then cools significantly in the evening.

    2. Deleted | | #3


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