Please advise type of glass and lighting being used for a building of 400,000 sq ft where we propose glass at all 4 sides.
I am based at Mumbai, India – 18.54 degrees North latitude and 11 meters altitude.
The country is a having a tropical environment.
We are in the process of constructing a 32-story building with glass at all 4 sides. It’s the headquarters of our company.
Please suggest the most energy-efficient lighting for the said building.
Bhavesh Mehta
+91 9867613136
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part
Dear Bhavesh Mehta,
I certainly hope your 32-story all-glass skyscraper has an architect and an engineering team! Please don't take advice from anyone on this site when it comes to developing your specifications.
You may want to read Alex Wilson's article in the current issue of Environmental Building News:
It’s Time to Rethink the All-Glass Building.