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Plastic sheeting over carpet in 3rd floor apartment – would it cause moisture issues?

andyfrog | Posted in General Questions on

There’s a room that doesn’t get used much in this apartment and I was thinking of storing some stuff (e.g. bike, etc) in there, but wanted to protect the carpet (and my deposit). So I put down some plastic sheeting and then stuff on top.

I vaguely remember a friend getting condensation under one of their desk chair mats in a carpeted room that sat on top of a garage. But this room is just on top of another apartment.

Is there any chance of moisture accumulating in the carpet? I’ve attached a picture of the floor section.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    If the floor is separating two conditioned spaces, there should be no mechanism to move moisture up through the floor, or have it condense on the plastic sheet.

    1. andyfrog | | #2

      Thanks Malcolm!

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