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Pinging Lucas Durand

user-716970 | Posted in General Questions on

Hello Lucas
OK. we know you are busy building, but we need updates!…we need details!…we need pics!!!!

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  1. user-757117 | | #1

    Hi Garth.
    Thanks for your interest!
    I've been trying to get a blog going but it seems it takes more than good intentions...
    I'll see what I can do this evening.

  2. user-757117 | | #2

    Sorry, no pics tonight I'm afraid but I'll get a blog going soon.

    I've been burning the candle at both ends trying to finish the roof before the snow flies.
    It's slow going because I have to do it single handed. It turns out most people I know don't like working up on a roof...

    Once the roof is done I still have to do a few things to close in the basement before it gets really cold but things should be a little less intense by then.

    Edit to say:
    Here's one from today...

  3. user-716970 | | #3

    Wow!! Nice view! I had no idea that parts of northern Ontario looked like that. Almost reminds me of Alberta's foothills region...

    Wish I lived a bit closer...I would love to offer my services for a few days. Anyhow thanks for the update and pic. Get that roof done!

  4. user-757117 | | #4

    If you change your mind your welcome anytime ;-)

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