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Pine Beetle kill plywood as air barrier?

415irwin | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

We are using our sheathing as the air barrier and my partner is concerned that quite a bit of the plywood sheathing is compromised because it is made from beetle killed pine. Holes are visible on the surfaces, but of course we can’t see right through to the other side. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Should we be concerned?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I've never seen the type of plywood you describe, but plywood is usually composed of at least 5 layers of veneer, so I imagine that your plywood is airtight -- even if the plies have holes in them.

  2. 415irwin | | #2

    Thanks Martin. Just to clarify the plywood is actually spruce so likely from the spruce sawyer beetle.

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