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PH questionnaire

danaezoupa | Posted in PassivHaus on

I am an undergraduate student in University of Patras and I’m currently working on my thesis about a retrofit PH located in Athens. I am conducting 3 questionnaires about PH. One for the PH adviser, one for the manufacturer/engineer of the PH and finally one for the users/owners of the building. What are the most representative questions someone can ask each person of the category so as to conclude about the general function of a specific PH?
Thank you 🙂

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    I think some questions and responses will be influenced by which passive house system is being applied to the project. In Europe, the project is probably following standards promulgated by the Passive House Institute (

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    I am torn between two impulses: One, a desire to help; and two, a strong belief that students learn best when they do their own research and depend on their own knowledge and creativity when they complete an assignment.

    I think you need to focus the topic of your paper. What aspect of the Passivhaus Standard are you interested in studying? Energy savings? Cost effectiveness? Homeowner satisfaction? Environmental impact?

    Unless you refine your topic, it's hard to help. Good luck.

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