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Passivehaus standard for commercial/industrial ??

jinmtvt | Posted in PassivHaus on

I may have searched with the wrong words/terms,
but i haven’t found anything that would be similar to the PassiveHaus standard
for commercial or industrial buildings …

Does it exist ?
If not, could similar standards be applied to an industrial building design ?

Also, is there any software that we could use to design an industrial building as PHPP is used for houses ??

I will need to pin the following attributes :

– insulation quantity for walls, underslab and flatroof up to payback term of 10-15 years
– quantity of SHG required to get the best potential savings during heating season
– area of windows requried for SHG VS energy loss etc…
– potentially determine if a PV system could be beneficial

The building will probably be of very regular ( 4 walls all open inside ) design
something in the vicinity of 60’X100′ , 20′ of height
and i’d like to be able to set an example for local design in energy efficiency !

thanks for any help!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    To the best of my knowledge, the same Passivhaus requirements that are applied to homes are used for Passivhaus schools and commercial properties.

    It's always easier to hit the Passivhaus standard with a large building than a small building -- due to the well-known "small house penalty" that is inherent in the way the standard is stated. (Namely, the goals are per square meter.) So it isn't that hard to meet the standard for a warehouse or commercial properly.

  2. jinmtvt | | #2

    Ok merci pour la reponse rapide MArtin.

    Is there any free software one could use to calculate heating loads, insulation etc???

    i am unaware of the "small-house" penalty , does it have to do withe the formulas used for the different calculus ??

  3. jinmtvt | | #3

    Anyone ever went to :

    they've got some hyper interesting calculators !! wow i think i'll be having fun with those calculators for a few days now :)

  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #4

    If you want to calculate heating loads for a Passivhaus buildings, you have to use the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) software. It can be purchased for $225 from Small Planet Workshop.

    For more information on the small house penalty issue, see Are Passivhaus Requirements Logical or Arbitrary?

  5. jinmtvt | | #5

    Martin, the PassiveHaus strandards seem very challenging, ever more so on that type of building
    ( economically challenging that is )

    Is there any other standards, be it different or of lighter goal ??

    I am looking for guidelines , i will probably purchase PHPP neway to play with it for the oncoming projects, but would also like other " lines" to plot it against.

    I do not wish to get the PH certificate for that specific building, so i will need to go all the way and then back up some to get the best payback possible. ( i'd like to work with 10-15 ..but i will probably have to go with 20-25 ..i plan on owning this for quite some time in the future )

    thanks again :)

  6. jinmtvt | | #6

    AHAHHA MARTIN : Are Passivhaus Requirements Logical or Arbitrary?

    i just read somewhat through this thread and your article ...

    i cannot press too much forward because of myself being a "n00b" to all this building science,
    but the more i was reading about PassiveHaus standard, the more i was starting to ask myself.

    I believe it does look attractive , the name, the goals etc ..

    but really... 12" of EPS underslab ? i thought it was ridiculous at first sight .. now u confirmed the inherent situation.

    Probably people are "following" this because it brings attention, fame, is in vogue etc ...
    i guess than an architect working on the first PH building in its region will get alot of attention for quite some time, thus they may take wrong choices toward the standards even if it goes against logical analysis of the situation.

    I guess i will have to make more reading about all this stuff,

    where can we get more info on the NETZERO things ?

    Also i agree with you that once you get to PV cost, insulation is a moot point.
    Isn't the goal of all this to reduce its impact on the planet?

    I always try to make no compromise toward the direction i move, and a cost return of 300years + a ridiculous use of expensive materials (carbonprint and money wise ) does not make any logical situation for me.

    You've just notched the PH down my list quite a bit :)

    Would it still be good to use PHPP to work out building desing ?
    any other nice software ( free or not ) could be used for insulation and SHG calculations ??

    Encore une fois, je dois vous avouer Martin, que j'adore votre facon de penser et vos analyses!
    Tres epate par votre facon! merci de partager vos idees publiquement sur ce site !!

  7. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #7


    Q. "Where can we get more info on the NET ZERO things?"

    A. I suggest that you use the "Search" box on the GBA website.

    To get you started:

    Net-Zero-Energy versus Passivhaus

    Net-Zero Homes, Part 1

    Just Two Minisplits Heat and Cool the Whole House

    Thinking About Net Zero Energy

    Net-Zero Families, Not Net-Zero Homes

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