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Passive Radon Vent

stephenr | Posted in General Questions on

Hello, I am sending a 3 inch vertical pipe through my roof, attached to a passive radon system beneath my floor assembly.  The pipe is coming up in my utility room and will run along the inside of the interior wall. In order to limit penetrations, I am considering running the vent of my composting toilet (2 inch, fan propelled, also in the utility room) into my 3 inch radon pipe. is this ok?  For that matter, could I vent my pressure tank through the same 3 inch pipe? Thanks, Stephen

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  1. Expert Member


    Practical issues aside, I don't know of any codes that allow it

  2. stephenr | | #2

    Thanks Malcolm. Kind of what I thought.

  3. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #3

    This would not be allowed. The radon system has to have a dedicated piping system seperate from everything else. Passive radon systems work by using stack effect in the vertical pipe to create some draw from the underground part of the system, and if you pressurize the system from your toilet's fan, the radon system won't function.

    Note that passive radon systems are sometimes upgraded to active systems later, if needed, by adding a radon fan, usually in the attic. This would also be an issue if you were to try to tie other things into that pipe. I'd be sure to leave a place to add a fan too. The fan has to be outside of the living spaces (attics are the usual areas), and I'd wire an electrical outlet to the area where that fan might sometime be installed. If you have high radon levels at some point in the future and want to add a fan, a few simple prep steps now will make things a lot easier later.


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