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Paperless drywall source

Benjamin_Katydid | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Where do you source fiberglass mat sheetrock? Everybody is out. Also, who wants to go into business manufacturing paperless drywall? There appears to be more demand than supply.

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    Try a commercial building supply house and not a box store. Fiberglass faced drywall is far more common in the commercial construction world than it is in the residential world. A common trade name is “densglass”. These same supply houses can likely source paperless drywall for you too, but they may require minimum orders to bring it in.


  2. reimhagen | | #2

    I have found personally that the special-order section at Big Orange (the "Pro Desk") can also order many not-in-store items. Note that minimum order amounts may still apply. Chances are if the store sells something by a company, they will be able to special order any product that they offer.

  3. Patrick_OSullivan | | #3

    As mentioned, try commercially focused building suppliers in your area. One nationwide (US) supplier that I know does drywall is Builders FirstSource (

    Huber referred me to them when my normal lumberyard suddenly could not get Zip R-sheathing for weeks (and I needed it in days). BFS was the only place that happened to have it on the ground. I later learned from the rep that they supply some nationwide builders and also move a lot of drywall.

    Also, if you're ordering 1/2", consider 5/8". My normal supplier told me they do not move much 1/2" paperless, but 5/8" is common.

  4. Benjamin_Katydid | | #4

    Thanks everyone. can order it. We are all set.

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