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Ceiling-Mount Air Purifier

lance_p | Posted in Mechanicals on

Just saw this Panasonic WhisperAir Repair advertised in my HD flyer.  Is this just another miracle device that sounds good and does nothing, or is this a worthwhile consideration for new construction?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques | | #1

    Hi Lance,

    I'm giving your question a bump. I hunted but didn't see anyone on GBA or FHB talking about this product. Now you have me curious too. I hope someone who knows something about it will weigh in . . .

  2. charlie_sullivan | | #2

    Not my expertise, but this peer-reviewed article says that OH radicals can react with pollutants and make them more toxic, not less, at least in some cases. I would avoid using something like this without doing more research about what the benefits and hazards might be.

  3. lance_p | | #4

    I’m generally leery of air “purifiers” and it looks like this gadget falls into that same category. Thanks for your input everyone!

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