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Panasonic ERV – do I need to add motorized dampers?

marincracker | Posted in General Questions on

I bought a Panasonic ERV Intelli-Balance 100 Energy Recovery Ventilator (Temperate Climate) FV-10VE2 and I’m wondering if I need to add motorized dampers to the fresh and/or exhaust air ducts?  And, if so, where exactly those should be located. 

My ERV will have a fully dedicated duct system independent of anything else.  

I assume if the dampers are needed, there is some kind of relay or way to turn them on/off when the ERV goes on/off?   

Thanks for any help. Very much appreciated. 

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  1. user-5946022 | | #1

    Which Panasonic?
    Mine has internal dampers activated by air movement...I did install and exhaust termination with an intergral damper.

    Highly recommend you also figure out a way to filter the exterior air entering. The ERV filter is insufficient. Figure out a way to install an easily accessible exterior filter...

  2. marincracker | | #2

    The model is Intelli-Balance 100 Energy Recovery Ventilator (Temperate Climate)
    Brand: Panasonic
    SKU: FV-10VE2

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