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Owner’s manual for house

bluesolar | Posted in General Questions on

Hi all – It seems like there should be House Books, basically an owner’s manual for a house. Has anyone created a template for this that they could share?

The content I have in mind would be:

1. Basic description of construction types, like what kind of walls it has, specs on the floor and roof, the materials and so forth.

2. Description of the insulation type and rating for walls, roof, and if applicable, floors.

3. Plumbing/pipes

4. Electric service (the amps, and maybe the constituent circuits)

5. Warranties for all equipment and appliances, HVAC and so forth

6. Purchase dates for equipment and appliances

7. Plans and blueprints

8. Diagrams of buried services

9. Maybe a summary page that says what type of each thing you have, like what type of water heater, AC, etc.

Some of it would be printed by the builder, and some of it would be logged by owners over time. I envision a 3-ring binder so that pages can be added. It’s strange to me that this isn’t a standard, common thing to have a house book. I know builders sometimes provide something like this, but it’s incomplete and it’s not usually iteratively maintained by successive owners as the house evolves.

Has anyone assembled one they’d like to share, or the template?


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  1. DCContrarian | | #1

    Writing documentation well is a lot of work.

    Construction isn't standardized enough to write generic manuals. For almost 100 years people have been talking about manufacturing houses in factories and it's still a niche business. Maybe in 20 years people will be able to say, "Oh, you have a 2035 General Housing MX12354? That year was a total lemon. It wasn't until the 36's that they got the design right."

  2. Expert Member

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