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Over the Range Microwave not venting well

Shawnnixon1 | Posted in General Questions on

I replaced a super old range hood fan with a Panasonic OTR microwave 400cfm and regret it big time, the fans are in the back and is useless for steam for stove cooking in the front.

i know most models you have to rotate the fan inside to duct blow in the back but this model is just a air blocker on the top I rotate so air does not recirculate. When looking at the damper outside it opens but not even halfway. What it I completely remove the damper door behind the microwave? Why need 2 dampers? One on microwave and one outside? Will thus improve airflow

Panasonic NN-SG65NB

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  1. Shawnnixon1 | | #1


  2. walta100 | | #2

    I do not think removing the damper is likely to improve the flow much.

    I never owned a over the range microwave but they always struck me as something with dual functions but failed to do either function very well.


  3. acrobaticnurse_Eli | | #3

    I've always read that microwave/range hood combinations never work well. I would get an inexpensive countertop microwave and install a dedicated range hood. I installed a basic 300 cfm under cabinet range hood that works well for my needs, clearing steam from my induction range. We built a shelf to hold a microwave elsewhere without using counter space.

  4. nynick | | #4

    We installed a brand new LG microwave with an exhaust fan in our new apartment kitchen. The wife immediately complained about exactly what you are complaining about. The unit doesn't reach out far enough from the wall to catch the front burners. I've measured regular exhaust fans for another kitchen we're about to build and they protrude a few inches further. Hoping this has a better system.

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