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Open Rafter Tails and Venting

Konphy89 | Posted in General Questions on

Hi everyone,
We are continuing to remodel one of our outbuildings into an office/ADU. The ceiling will be vaulted in this building.

I am pretty confused on how to vent this. I saw a 2015 thread on here where it was suggested to install either 2 inch round vents or to use a piece of U shaped perforated flashing. The second idea appeals a lot more to both me and my wife but I cannot wrap my head around the detail. 

That post suggested to cut the blocking between the rafter 1 1/2 inch short and install the perforated flashing there. I am having trouble visualizing exactly what that means. If anyone has any input it would be extremely appreciated.


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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    That was probably me. I use that detail quite frequently.

    The blocking gets installed about 3/4'" past the wall sheathing so your siding can butt up to it. It's easier if you install it at 90 degrees to the rafters. I prefer U-shaped perforated flashing. You can use a straight piece attached to the inside of the block instead, but it leaves an exposed ledge for small birds and pests to settle.

    A quick sketch, and a photo of the U-shaped perforated flashing I use.

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