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open cell foam and baffles for kneewall

questiondude99 | Posted in General Questions on


Baltimore county Maryland.

Im having dust issues in my bedroom whenever I exhause air via bathroom fan/window fan. I got a blower test done and we believe the main issue is that the insulation company I hired previosly didnt properly block off the floor. They side laminated some metal insulation paper but didnt do the top/bottom. Insulation was getting pulled from the top attic -through the roof baffles – into the kneewall. He dropped insulation by the top of the metal insulation paper and the insulation got sucked up lile a vacuum into my room. I have a ridge vent/gables/ and smart soffits at the bottom of my roof. Im assuming the gable vents were the reason why so much air/insulation was pulling into the kneewall rather than it just pulling air from the soffit vents.

One option Ive gotten from several companies is to seal off the kneewall by spraying open cell foam on the roof with baffles installed, creating a conditioned space. All the companies just seem to use open cell+baffles on the roof rather than closed cell. Is this normal? Im concerned about roof rot and also humidity issues in the kneewall after it is sealed off.

I wasnt sure if I would have to add a dehumidifier or maybe cut vents into the kneewall room to prevent mold issues. Im not sure it would even be feasible to add vents to the attic without tearing out the walls of my house.

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