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Old brick house with finished attic – options for insulating as the roof and 3rd floor siding is replaced

lucyna99 | Posted in General Questions on

We are in Pittsburgh, PA, zone 5. Homes here are very old, leaky, and often uninsulated. This home will have the roof and exterior siding present only on the 3rd floor level replaced due to their condition. What would be the best product and detailing (sealed seams of rigid board? sealed WRB?) for improving this home, but also not adding much to the project budget? Should one attempt to join gabble wall’s insulation and air sealing with roof’s? Work will likely be done from the exterior only. I don’t know if the 3rd floor walls have insulation; first 2 levels are structural brick. I am looking for some basic specs/steps to the contractor on how to do this. There is a dormer and gabble window. This is a low-income homeowner and the project is free to them and contractors are unfamiliar with air sealing and exterior insulation.

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