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New Window Offgassing

mbtom | Posted in Expert Exchange Q&A on

I am in the process of remodeling my home, and have a chemical sensitivity to VOC’s. I have reacted very negatively to offgassing from both new fiberglass and vinyl windows from Milgard, and would be unable to live in the home. What is the best type of window frame for a coastal town that his minimal to no offgassing for VOC’s to consider?

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Aluminum would probably be your best bet. They used to dominate the residential market (I have them on my house), but now are less common. The big downside is that even with an integrated thermal break the frames perform poorly.

  2. gusfhb | | #2

    They still do wood, don't they?
    I would think the sealants are the worst offenders in any window, and would vary little between materials
    I cannot judge your level of sensitivity, but wonder if it is possible to make a decision, then unpack the windows and store them in the garage, or in under a outside storage unit. PVC is a pretty active plastic[smells to those of us not sensitive for a long time] but fiberglass one would not think so much.
    The offgassing curve for most things is pretty steep and I would think is 90 percent over in a period measured in weeks, but only you can judge your level of risk.

  3. walta100 | | #3

    Seems to me as sensitive as you are remodeling is not worth the risk.

    Replacement windows are almost never a better option than the existing window.


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