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New ERV smell solution, or am I risking damage to the unit?

andy_ | Posted in General Questions on

I just installed a Panasonic FV10EC2 ERV and as quite a few people have commented the core has a distinct, and unpleasant chemical smell when new. I know that this will dissipate after running for a week or so, but I’d rather not stink up the whole house for a week. 
If I connect the outdoor supply and exhaust, and then instead of connecting the ERV to the house ducts just run a short 4″ flex to loop the air right back to the unit, am I risking freezing the core or doing other damage? 
Zone 4 marine, but a little higher elevation so temps into the low 30’s overnight.
I can’t really disconnect and run the unit in the garage as that’s currently a wood shop and full of sawdust right now.

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  1. freyr_design | | #1

    Just run it when it’s over freezing and turn it off at night for a week.

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