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New construction lumber Lots of worm holes in wall studs

Arotx | Posted in General Questions on

Hello experts, 

With no quality experience I signed up for my first house with a renounced local builder in north Dallas area (Celina).  Now they are framing it.  I found studs they are using in my house  has countless strange holes (see attached pictures). these studs also  look different (more lighter in color). I do not see any other construction in that community with this kinds of lumber.

what grade of studs they are? Looks like these are these damaged by termite/worms. Can builders use these kinds of damaged lumbers?

If this is a concern, could you please advise what should I do in this case?
Please help.

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  1. AC200 | | #1

    I've never worried about a few insect bores and color of the studs. Some of them do do have quite a few though. You can always ask them to change a few if they bother you that much. I would be more concerned about the use of finger joint studs in structural applications.

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