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New Cellulose, how to get around in Attic space

bosshog2212 | Posted in General Questions on

What is the best way to get around the attic space without trampling all the new blown in cellulose?  Should I put a board down and then leave the board in place?  Just rake the cellulose after i’m done?  Need to do some work in there but don’t want to waste the investment of the new cellulose….

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  1. DennisWood | | #1

    You can always rake a path, putting a board over the roof truss members, then cover it up after. Just be aware that if the cellullose has been there for some time, it will tend to settle with some cohesion. Just fluff it up as best you can with the rake. Fit up a good N95 mask and goggles, or a full face respirator as things will be dusty when you do this.

    Trampling or compressing the insulation will end up defeating its function.

    1. bosshog2212 | | #2

      Didn't think about raking a path, great idea. Thanks

  2. Expert Member


    I build a walkway in every attic. You want to be able to go up there easily several times a year just to look around.

    If the attic is trussed I run 2"x4"s horizontally from web to web just above the the level of the insulation, and run a 2"x12" over them to walk on. If there are ceiling joists, I fasten pieces of 2"x12" to their sides and run the walkway on them.

    1. DennisWood | | #4

      Malcolm, that's a great practice and makes maintenance/inspection easy to do without disturbing the insulation, particularly if you have some head height to work with.

      1. Expert Member
        MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #5


        I did one a couple of years ago where the trusses had sloped bottom chords in part of the attic. The walkway looks like a go-cart track.

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