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Necessary to vent the headwall of an uninsulated porch roof?

BrunoF | Posted in General Questions on

I have two covered porches on my build with both of them being 3:12 pitch and planned to be covered in standing seam.  Both porch roofs will have soffit vents and the uninsulated ceiling below will be tongue and groove pine with a few light fixture penetrations.

the roofers want to run a continuous layer of ice and water shield from the roof up the wall which seems best from a water infiltration standpoint but it will eliminate the possibility of having a vent at the headwall.

is a headwall vent for this assembly needed? 


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  1. andy_ | | #1

    Venting a roof makes sense where you have a humidity source like showers/cooking and a temperature differential (heated house/cold outside) that causes that moisture to condense on the underside of the roof sheathing. In this outdoor scenario you don't really have either of those conditions so I wouldn't worry about it.

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