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Mask donations

user-669103 | Posted in General Questions on

It strikes me that MANY of the readership of this and OTHER Taunton Press web sites are involved with activities that mean they have a small stock of N95 masks. I use them when wood working.

As a quick fix on gba how about keeping the top blog entry about this — it maybe easier than changing the web site.

New York and California hospitals are in very short supply of these. A doctor working at Montefiore Hospital in Bronx NYC reached out asking for masks.

I don’t currently have an address to mail masks to (beyond the 1 doctor I’m sending mine to). Maybe Taunton can co-ordinate with some hospitals and list addresses to send them. This is one hospital system in need:

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  1. DCContrarian | | #1

    One thing I've read is they have to be in sealed packaging to be usable for medical purposes.

  2. user-669103 | | #2

    not the doctor I spoke with -- they have nothing., and anything is better than nothing.
    call you local hospital

  3. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #3

    If you have some of these, you can probably contact your state’s emergency management office and they can probably tell you where to take them if you want to make a donation.

    Note that they are also looking for nitrile gloves.

    In my state (Michigan), several microbreweries and distilleries have been making alchohol for use in hand sanitizers. I actually was able to help arrange this with one hospital system here. The distilleries provide 75% alchohol to the hospital’s compounding pharmacy which then mixes it into a hand sanitizer batch that meets FDA requirements. If hospitals in your area are short on alchohol and sanitizers, this may be another option to try.


  4. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo | | #4

    Hey Everyone.

    I just shared a post from FWW on our homepage. If you have any helpful info, please share it in the comments there so we can keep it all in one place which will be the most useful. You'll find the post here.

    Thanks for bringing this up Mark.

  5. user-669103 | | #5

    Brian, are you able to reach out to other contacts at Taunton Press and other similar sites like JLC and BobVila and get them to do similar?
    Maybe you can update the article with two links I put in comment #2 on the homepage, also comment #1 is very good. <= already has the original article - but it is not as 'front and center' and GBA.

    If you have contacts here:

    Maybe you can reach out to them and ask them to do similar?

    1. Expert Member
      BILL WICHERS | | #6

      Excellent idea! There are probably many in the construction industry who’d be happy to help with the crisis, but might not know what they can do.


      1. GBA Editor
        Brian Pontolilo | | #7

        I'm working on it.

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