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My insurance company, Vermont Mutual, refuses to issue a policy for a home with a pellet stove.

Michael A Mertinooke | Posted in General Questions on

They said they don’t care if it meets code, or even if it is functional. If there’s a pellet stove, there is no insurance policy. How can I deal with this?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Maybe you should call up a few other insurance companies.

  2. Michael A Mertinooke | | #2

    Yeah, I thought of that. Duh. I got even worse answers. V-M is apparently the one they all go to in this part of NH. Other companies like Liberty Mutual say they might (*MIGHT*) write a policy but I would need to transfer my autos and all other insurance to them.

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett | | #3

    That's curious- I've never heard of that one before!

    Do they have a similar take on wood stoves?

  4. Michael A Mertinooke | | #4

    YES! They consider wood stoves as the same as pellet stoves, which demonstrates their complete ignorance. Pellet heat is in fact far safer than gas, oil, or electric. And wood heat is about the most dangerous possible. BTW, I'm getting a flood of replies from agents representing many companies, and they all are giving me pretty much the same story. Please note I am a landlord, renting out the house. I'm guessing this would not be a problem if it was my primary residence.

  5. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #5

    My guess is that the fact you just disclosed -- that this is a rental property, and you are a landlord -- is the key to the mystery.

  6. Michael A Mertinooke | | #6

    Hmm. You're probably right. Doesn't make sense, though. I trust pellet stoves more than anything else. Safer and cheaper.

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