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More detail regarding ZIP wall insulation question

iFh8UKpxwV | Posted in General Questions on

Hello everyone…

First, thank you for your responses… I have been out all day since I posted my above question.

Some more detail… I am a simple homeowner who designed our new single story 1927 sq/ft home. Had an architect draw up the plan and awarded the job to a local contractor/builder. The job started april 1st and now at the point of nearly ready for insulation. The original plan had an optional double wall to make the exterior wall come out at 10 inches. Planned to have dense pack cellulose blown in for ~ R34 wall with thermal bridging eliminated with the spacing and insulation between the two walls. However, after we got into the build I saw an interesting chart ( on the Icynene web site that shows with an “air sealed wall” that high insulation factors are achieved with far less insulation than one might think. So with that I scrubbed the double wall build. Now I am at a point where rough elect is nearly done (can’t consider double wall at this point) and am still trying to decide what to do for insulation, to get the best r value into the 6 inch exterior wall.. (spray foam is to costly)..

Any further suggestions..

thanks again

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  1. 5C8rvfuWev | | #1

    This will tell you what you need to know on that little bit of logical wizardry, Ron.

    To summarize: R-38 is R-38, not R less-than-38.

    Good luck. I envy you the chance to build!

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