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Moisture barrier underlayment on plywood subfloor

_P_ | Posted in General Questions on


I am replacing carpet with 12mm laminate flooring in a 220 sq ft home office on the second floor of a temperature controlled house outside of Toronto. The subfloor is plywood. I’ve read that underlayment with a vapour/moisture barrier is a big no on plywood as it may lead to mold.

But given that there is controlled cooing and heating throughout the year, is the vapour barrier on plywood still an issue?

Looking at Quiet Walk vs. floor Muffler underlayment. Sound and protection from imprints on laminate from heavy furniture are main concerns.

Thank you.

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    You are fine using anything you want. There is no moisture drive to worry about.

  2. _P_ | | #2

    Thank you very much, Malcolm. You've alleviated a big concern. I'm glad to progress with the project now. Appreciate it!

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


      Good luck with your project!

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